• Member Since 7th Mar, 2014

The Zebra Hybrid

Be who you are and strive who you want to be

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Princess Celestia has become quite worried about her dear friend when she has started acting unlike herself. She has a hunch that the newest resident of Ponyville is to blame.

Featured on 1/5/2024 - 6/5/2024 and top of Popular. Thanks guys

There is a Russian translation about this story, Celestia's story and Luna's story on FicBook, PonyFiction and Tabun.

Chapters (1)

With Maud settling down in Ponyville, Marble studying in the Crystal Empire, and her parents finally deciding to retire, Pinkie Pie wonders if Limestone is going to be okay running the Pie Family Farm all by herself. She's never done well on her own, and her cold demeanor probably isn't going to get her a boyfriend anytime soon.

Luckily, she knows an equally lonely human who is perfect for the job!

Chapters (1)

Anon is meditating after doing a whole lot of nothing all day. Twilight stumbles upon him doing this and asks him what he's doing. Anon just invites her to join him as he stops thinking and just viiibes.

She doesn’t know how to vibe. Book pone can only think.

Anon decides to change that. One way or another.

Idea provided by golabi2101.

Chapters (1)

For Celestia, life had rarely been better than it was now. Her sister had been returned to her, Discord was freed and subsequently defeated in record time, much to her private amusement, and her niece and her coltfriend had ideas of marriage in the not too distant future.

An event that would no doubt be yet another historical day in the rapid series as of late.

Yet, history is made even earlier than expected as Princess Celestia finds a strange letter in her room one night. Someone claiming to be the prince of an unheard of species is asking for Equestria's help. Making the dire situation described in the letter even more urgent is the warning it held.

Celestia and her fellow princesses are eager to meet the strange colt who has revealed his own mother's invasion plan of their kingdom to them in a bid to gain trust. Of all the ponies to meet this strange colt, however, it's one Raven Inkwell who will find her life turned the most upside down.

And by the end, she wouldn't have had it any other way as she comes to know Prince Anonymous of the Changelings.

This is an RGRE story starring (what should be) everyone's favorite mare, Raven Inkwell and a friendly changeling prince as they work to navigate politics and establish peace between two kingdoms.

Chapters (3)

Huzzah! It’s Anonymous’ day off! What glory it is to be free of any duties, and spending his free time goofing off with his buds!

What’s that? He’s bored? That simply will not do! Time to go visit Twilight, where nothing bad every happens and spells definitely absolutely never go wrong!

Chapters (3)

Fluttershy had her suspicions. After all, no one knows her body quite like she does. As a result, it came as no surprise when the doctor told her the big news:

She's going to have a foal.

She has some conflicting feelings about this, but she can only imagine what Anon, her boyfriend and the soon-to-be father of her child, will think.

Maybe April Fools' Day wasn't the best time to learn this information.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Uncle Anon is a Bad Influence

Seventeen-year-old Flurry Heart just wants to live her own life, but her parents have other plans for her. "You're a princess!" "You need to set an example!" Bleh.

It comes as no surprise, then, that her father is more than a little upset to catch her drinking alcohol. To make matters worse, he read a book where something just like this happened, and he intends to give the protagonist's idea a try.

He has no idea how in over his head he is.

Contains underage drinking and foul language.

Written in part as a judge's entry for the Shining Armor is a Terrible Dad 2024 Competition.

Chapters (1)

Luna has been more tired than usual. Celestia is worried about her wellbeing, so she asks Anon for his help, not only because she's been extremely busy with her royal duties, but also he's dating Luna, so it makes the most sense for him to help. What Anon discovers makes him wonder if pigs do really fly.

They don't, but hey, could you really blame him for asking?

Tagged Sex for references to the act. Also majority of the fic was written in three hours.

Cover art by magnaluna.

Chapters (2)

Covers removed from his bed. A warm spot on the mattress right next to him. Strange voices and shadowy figures haunting his sleepy, delirious mind. These are but a few of the odd occurrences that have been plaguing the Anon household.

Tonight, he's going to get to the bottom of it all.

Chapters (1)

The human was dead. And Applejack was the one to see him kill himself. She should be happy, right? The varmint was dead, no longer able to bother anypony else. Then why did Applejack felt sad?

A non-cannon sequel to Ending.

Chapters (1)